Project Estimated Budget

It's Time for a New Look!

Upgrading your existing website to a new responsive design will not only give you a fresh, more professional online presence -- it will also help increase your website's performance and end-user experience across all devices.

A new website design is also a great time to carefully review your website's content. We will work closely with you to offer suggestions for improvements to your content, layout and structure. We can also help you decide what to leave in and what to leave out.

We are constantly improving WebSuite2. So there are undoubtedly new, built-in features that you aren't presently utilizing that can help boost the value of your website to your target audience. We will help you uncover and leverage those new features.

Meet the TCS Team

What sets us apart from other AMS providers is our personalized service. Folks with many years of experience working exclusively with associations and AMCs:

Tom Snide
Kaylee Hoffman
Pat Docherty
Jay Kromalic
Sara Nippert

Website Design & Development 50 Hours - $7,500

Kaylee Hoffman
Jay Kromalic

Hey, it's Jay & Pat! It was great talking to you about upgrading the NYSPMA website. As we discussed, your current website is over five years old and is ready for an upgrade. Updating your website to a new responsive design will not only get you a fresh new look and feel, but it will also add the latest in responsive technology to the back end.

We've identified some recent client websites below that we wanted you to see. While many features are shared by our client websites, it is important to know that each website is uniquely designed to fit your needs. During our initial project call or meeting, we will help you identify and prioritize your goals and key purposes of your website. Who does your website serve? Is your website’s purpose to get new members... a tool for your current members... to connect the public to your association... or all of the above?

By understanding your objectives, we can fine tune your website to maximize its value for your association and your target audiences.

Here are some similar client websites:

The OhioAgriBusiness Association website is also one of our newer responsive designs.  This design helps them highlight their upcoming events with clean professional graphics in the banner slideshow.

Their navigation menu has a unique design that gives users the ability to easily find the information they are seeking.  The expanded drop-down menus help keep their content more organized and improve the overall user experience.

For even more examples, check out some of our other client websites below.

We are excited to get started on your website, as soon as you are ready.

Conference Micro-Site 20 Hours - $3,000

Kaylee Hoffman
Jay Kromalic

Another item we discussed was a Conference Micro-Site. For many of our clients, we have created new responsive Conference Micro-Sites for their annual conferences/trade shows. These websites are a great way to brand your conference outside of the main website and give your users an easy way to access information during the event on their phones.

These sites are setup in a way that makes them easy to be updated each year to match a new conference theme. The time involved to create these websites varies depending on the complexity of the event.

Here are some client Conference Micro-Sites:

BIA Parade of Homes
navigating payments

Since 1990, we've been 'Helping Associations Grow with Technology.'
We'd love to help your organization as well.

Next Steps to Get Started Today!

Sign and return your proposal.

Schedule your initial project call 614.451.5010